Fireworks! Thunder! Loud, scary noises!

As you socialize your young puppy, pay special attention to those things he just may encounter in his life that can cause life long fears, unless you intentionally expose your puppy, and help him to have positive associations with these things. Fireworks and thunder are a common fear-inducing experience for many dogs.

Donna Ashley, CPDT-KA, CBATI-KA


Complete socialization includes preparing your puppies for the eventuality of things they will experience at some point in their lives with you, even if it’s not happening as your raise them from 8 weeks of age.

Fireworks and thunderstorms, or even hunters & gunshots or noisy trucks will possibly come up in your dog’s life span. These sudden, loud, sharp sounds can easily startle your puppy and produce a life long fear.

Click below for some ideas!