Should there really be an E-Collar Debate?

We don't think the use of an e-collar is something we need to debate. We will never use a shock collar as part of our training plan. But, the debate and the use of ecollars persists. A little education may help you make your own decision about using ecollars in your training.

Donna Ashley, CPDT-KA, CBATI-KA (and source article: Whole Dog Journal)


First and foremost, using an collar to STOP behavior is never going o teach your dg what it is you DO want him to do. In addition, while ecollars may suppress unwanted behaviors, they do nothing to truly CHANGE those behaviours or create new, more appropriate behaviors. Remove the collar, and chances are the behavior is also removed, because you haven't taught your dog anything except how to avoid pain or discomfort.

There are so many great information sources, backed by real science, which support the use of positive reinforcement training and also clearly explain the cons of training with intimidation, pain or fear when training your dog. 'Google' alone can help you find those resources.

These are just a few resources where you might find good reasons NOT to use punishment or aversive when training your dog.

American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviour, Position in Humane Training:

Victoria Stillwell,

"Using Shock Collars for Dog Training – Is It Ok?"

"Why We Don’t Recommend Electric Fences (Shock Collars)"