The Art of 'Being Still'!

Teaching your dog how to simply 'chill out' and do nothing.

Donna Ashley, CPDT-KA, CBATI-KA


If you have been in a public place, or stood still with your dog, or tried to sit quietly at home, you will notice your puppies are often pacing, or pulling to get to an interesting smell, or barking at things going by or just to get your attention, or generally just showing unsettled or anxious behaviors & body language.

Training 'Being Still' helps your dog to simply take in the environment, quietly, while he just relaxes. The 'art of doing nothing' or 'being still', or 'hanging out' is a behavior that has to be taught. No whining, no nudging you, no barking, no movement or pacing, no pulling, no mouthing his leash, etc.

Click below for a PDF download of our 'The Art of Being Still' handout.